We have a few widgets for you to see your revenue ! All the widgets worked for report and dashboard and look better with a budget !
For a report, you can add a new row by following this tutorial.
For a dashboard, you can add the new widget by following this tutorial.
Revenue based on PMS Transactions Code
Accommodation Revenue
If you want to see the accommodation revenue for the future, what you have on the books, this is the revenue widget you should use. It will show you the room rate.
💡This is the most flexible widget, and you can filter per Rooms, Rate plan, market code.... (check out our group article to get some ideas)!
For past data, the revenue displayed will be generated from your accommodation transaction codes (see in Settings). For more flexibility, use Revenue based on PMS Transactions codes widgets.
Revenue based on PMS Transactions Code
You can filter your revenue per ;
- PMS transaction code
- Group of PMS transaction codes
- Type of revenue (Accommodation, F&B, SPA, Other)
This widget is best used to track Accommodation revenue for the past.
💡You need to at least filter per type of revenue, otherwise you will have the N/A & Tax included.
Settings for all types of revenue
Accounting Revenue
Check the full article here : Accounting Widget.