You can find them in Blent collection, F&B and Labour folder.
To modify one you need to copy it to your Workspace. You will be able to remove or add filters and widgets, to make it 100 % suited to your business.
To use those dashboards you need to have a POS and a human resource system connected to your Blent account. Not the case yet ? Write us at to plan it !
By clicking to Edit you can check the sources of all the widgets.
Per default, the comparison will be made with revenue from POS.
If you have an accounting system connected, and you want to compare labor with accounting revenue, or if you want to add and modify widgets, you can find the complete list in this article ; Human Resources widgets. Remember, you can add (or delete) a widget by following this tutorial.
Human Ressources
You will have all the classic KPI presented in the Human Resources widgets article.
Depending on the system you are using, you may have more or less information available (dy off, sick day, number of full-time contracts ect). Do not hesitate to ask your project manager in case of questions.
Productivity Analysis
To achieve job productivity, we usually use the Group of job function. You can also create your own KPI by using the Report Row widget. For example, the number of Cocktail served per 30 minutes per Bartender.
You can also merge these two dashboards to have all the information in the same place, by following this tutorial.