When working with the widgets displaying data coming from PMS system, you have a wide selection of filters to define your data set. Here we will review your options and how to apply different logic when using them.
Automatically add lines for specific items
What filters are there:
Every Room Night that comes from PMS has the following parameters defined for it:
- Status: Booked/Cancelled
- Profiles: Company + Travel Agency + Customer
- Room type initially booked by the customer and room type where the customer ended up staying
- Rate plan
- Market Code
- Source of Business
- Country
- Rate at which the room was sold
- Revenue that was attributed to each department that came from this reservation
- Age category(-ies) of the guests
- etc.
How to apply filters:
By using filters, you can define the data set that you want to analyze and that will be displayed in your report.
For example, in one line in your report, you want the widget to show you the data only for the room nights that have a "junior suite" room type. Or, in another line in your report, you want the widget to show you the numbers only for the room nights that were booked through your direct website.
To achieve this, just check the box(-es) of the filter(s) that you need and select the desired option.
You can find those filters here in the reports:
And here in the dashboard:
Creating Groups
If you are tired of selecting the same 10 items in your filters in many different lines/reports, creating groups will make the report and dashboard mapping much easier and will decrease the risk of human error. A group is an artificially created unity made up of several entities united under a name that you choose. Here is the article where you can learn more about how to create Groups and why it is important.
Selecting multiple filters
If you have selected several different filters, then the data set you will get will be an intersection of the selected filters.
For example, if you select "Germany" in your country filter and "Suites" in your group of room types filter, then the data set that will be displayed, will be coming from room nights booked by german customers, who booked/stayed in suites.
Meaning an "AND" logic was applied.
Including Comp and House Use
For those widgets that work with the number of Rooms Occupied ("Count the number of room nights", "Occupancy", "ADR", "Count the number of guests in hotel based on stay dates" etc.), you also have an additional check box - you can choose to "Include Comp and House Use":
Automatically add lines for specific items
When your data set is defined, you can also choose to display it automatically split by the entities of your choice.
For example, you have a widget with accommodation revenue (you chose a "Revenue based on PMS Transactions Code" widget and chose "Accommodation" in the "Filter on one or multiple type of revenue in PMS reservation" filter), and you want to see how much accommodation revenue is coming from which room type. Then, after selecting "Accommodation" in the "Filter on one or multiple type of revenue in PMS reservation" filter, you need also to check the box "Automatically add lines for specific items" and select the option "Room Type":
And then in the report, you will have your accommodation revenue automatically split by room type:
We recommend choosing the option to "Auto hide rows with 0" for a better report performance.